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Compliance date or end of transition period – what you need to know

The 1 January 2024 compliance date for poison centre notifications is not an immediate cut-off. Rather, it mandates that, starting from this date, all new notifications for mixtures intended solely for industrial use (in addition to consumer and professional use) must adhere to the harmonised format detailed in Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation. This also includes a UFI code on the label.

ECHA reminds companies to assess their notification status and check the timelines for having the information in the required harmonised format.

This message is particularly important to those companies that have existing notifications submitted according to national requirements. In such cases, it is possible to benefit from the transition period, ending 1 January 2025. However, if changes occur in the product or mixture during this period, then information needs to be submitted in the new format which is possible through the ECHA submission portal.

Companies that benefit from the transition period can already begin planning how and when to update their notifications and manage their re-labelling plans.

For more details, watch our webinar on this topic or reach out to your national or ECHA Helpdesk.

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