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New study on workability issues

A new study initiated by the European Commission addresses concerns raised by stakeholders on the workability of new requirements for the notifification of information on hazardous chemical mixtures for emergency health response.

Stakeholders from different sectors such as petroleum, construction products and industrial gases sectors have expressed workability issues with Art. 45 and Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation. According to the article, importers and downstream users placing on the market hazardous chemical mixtures have to submit harmonised information to Member States appointed bodies relating to those mixtures for emergency health response.

The aim of the study

The aim of the study is to analyse the workability of certain provisions of Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation on harmonised information related to emergency health response. The study will focus on industries with complex material inputs and supply chains and propose solutions for the workability issues raised by the stakeholders.

The study is run by the Commission and is planned to last for one year. The interim results will be presented and discussed in the study Steering Group and Stakeholder Advisory Group in the beginning of 2019 as well as to CARACAL.

Read more:

Presentations on workability issues from the workshop on the implementation of Commission Regulation amending CLP by adding an annex on harmonised information relating to emergency health response available below.

The commissions poison centres web pages