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Updated IT tools for poison centre notifications
The following new features are available to users preparing their notifications online using the IUCLID Cloud service and those using the desktop or server versions:
• Multimarket notifications: inclusion of more remarks fields to enter free text information, allowing to provide relevant information that is not included in the picklist options.
• A ‘dossier viewer’ that compiles all notification information into a web-based report for easy viewing before submission. It will replace the poison centres notification preview report in October 2021.
• The Guided Dossier Preparation tool has been superseded by an improved management of substances and mixtures available from the IUCLID Dashboard. From there you will be able to access the data previously entered and continue with the preparation of your poison centre notifications.
• An updated list of new and modified validation rules has also been included in the IUCLID validation assistant. These rules help companies to check and fix shortcomings in their notifications before submitting them.
More support elements to the Classification and Labelling section and help-text for other sections will be included in May for IUCLID Cloud users only.
The next major update of IUCLID will take place in October 2021 and will cover an updated Poison Centre Notification (PCN) format.
- Visit the IUCLID website for full details on all improvements.
- Video tutorials on steps to prepare a poison centre notification
- PCN Practical Guide
- Check out the modified validation rules in our webinar ‘Best practices – from start to Market’