Usvojena mišljenja i prethodna savjetovanja o zahtjevima za autorizaciju

Usvojena mišljenja i prethodna savjetovanja o zahtjevima za autorizaciju

Usvojena mišljenja i prethodna savjetovanja o zahtjevima za autorizaciju

This page provides further information on the applications for authorisation or review reports, which have undergone consultation. The applications for authorisation are in the opinion development phase until the final opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis have been adopted and sent to the European Commission. Its decision-making process can be followed through the comitology register, where further information is published about the REACH Committee's past and upcoming meetings.

On 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) withdrew from the EU. The transition period provided by the withdrawal agreement ended on 31 December 2020. As of 1 January 2021, an application for an authorisation submitted by a person established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) is no longer valid in the EU, unless that application has been transferred to a legal entity established in the EU or Northern Ireland before the end of the transition period. Therefore, authorisation applications and decisions in so far as these concern persons established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) are no longer considered valid. 


There are currently no ongoing consultations.
0105-02 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
ILARIO ORMEZZANO - SAI s.r.l. [name of applicant in the original application: Ilario Ormezzano Sai Spa updated due to a notified name change] Use of Sodium Dichromate as a mordant in the dyeing of wool as sliver and/or yarn with dark colours in industrial settings Commission decided Details
0041-02 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
Akzo Nobel Pulp and
Performance Chemicals AB
Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of potassium chlorate. Commission decided Details
0037-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
Ercros SA Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0039-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
HyChem – Química Sustentável, S.A [name of applicant in the original application: "SOLVAY PORTUGAL - PRODUTOS QUIMICOS S.A. " updated due to a notified corporate name change] Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0038-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
Kemira Chemicals Oy Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0035-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
ARKEMA FRANCE Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0036-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0041-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals AB
Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals Oy
Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals S.A.S.
Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorate with or without subsequent production of chlorine dioxide. Commission decided Details
0040-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
CAFFARO BRESCIA S.r.l Use of Sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacture of sodium chlorite Commission decided Details
0137-01 Initial Sodium dichromate 234-190-3
SOCIETA' CHIMICA BUSSI S.P.A. Use of sodium dichromate as an additive for suppressing parasitic reactions and oxygen evolution, pH buffering and cathode corrosion protection in the electrolytic manufacturing of sodium chlorite. Commission decided Details