Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex III - Restricted Substances
EU. Restricted Substances: Annex III, Regulation 1223/2009/EC on Cosmetic Products, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2024/996, OJ L of 4 April 2024
This list contains substances whose use in cosmetic products in the European Union is banned, except under certain conditions as indicated in Annex III. The list specifies the field of application or use, maximum allowable concentration limits in finished products, and any additional limitations.
Not to be used in sunscreen products and products marketed for exposure to natural or artificial UV light
Do not use with nitrosating agents
Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 μg/kg
Keep in nitrite-free containers
From 21 August 2022 cosmetic products containing that substance and not complying with the restrictions shall not be placed on the Union market
From 21 November 2022 cosmetic products containing that substance and not complying with the restrictions shall not be made available on the Union market
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