
Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex III - Restricted Substances

EU. Restricted Substances: Annex III, Regulation 1223/2009/EC on Cosmetic Products, as corrected by a corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/858, OJ L of 31 July 2024

This list contains substances whose use in cosmetic products in the European Union is banned, except under certain conditions as indicated in Annex III. The list specifies the field of application or use, maximum allowable concentration limits in finished products, and any additional limitations.

Methyl Oct-2-ynoate;Methyl heptine carbonate

EC / List no: 203-836-6 CAS no: 111-12-6
Ref No.
Restrictions Product type, body parts
Cosmetic products other than oral products
Maximum Threshold
0.01 %
The presence of the substance must be indicated in the list of ingredients referred to in Article 19(1)(g) when its concentration exceeds: 0.001% in leave-on products and 0.01 % in rinse-off products

When present in combination with methyl octine carbonate, the combined level in the finished product shall not exceed 0.01 % (of which methyl octine carbonate shall not be more than 0.002 %)

When used alone