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Active substance factsheet - Last updated: 16/05/2023

Active substance

EC number:


CAS number:


IUPAC name:

BAS number:




Candidate for substitution:

Under assessment

Regulatory categorisation:

Review programme substance

Approval/Assessment status:

Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation

Related authorised biocidal products

No related authorised products are available

Approval of active substance
Assessment information

Evaluating competent authority:

Czech Republic

Assessment outcome:

In progress

Conclusion date:

Validity of approval

Start date:

End date:

Legal act:

Assessment Reports
Study summaries (Document III-A)
Other documents
Approval of active substance
Assessment information

Evaluating competent authority:

United Kingdom

Assessment outcome:

Not successful

Conclusion date:

Validity of approval

Start date:

End date:

Legal act:

Assessment Reports
Study summaries (Document III-A)
Other documents