Popis EZ-a

Popis EZ-a

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Popis EZ-a

The EC inventory published below is a copy as received from the JRC in 2008 on the founding of ECHA. It is comprised of the following lists:

  • EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) as published in O.J. C 146A, 15.6.1990. EINECS is an inventory of substances that were deemed to be on the European Community market between 1 January 1971 and 18 September 1981. EINECS was drawn up by the European Commission in the application of Article 13 of Directive 67/548/EEC, as amended by Directive 79/831/EEC, and in accordance with the detailed provisions of Commission Decision 81/437/EEC. Substances listed in EINECS are considered phase-in substances under the REACH Regulation.
  • ELINCS (European LIst of Notified Chemical Substances) in support of Directive 92/32/EEC, the 7th amendment to Directive 67/548/EEC. ELINCS lists those substances which were notified under Directive 67/548/EEC, the Dangerous Substances Directive Notification of New Substances (NONS) that became commercially available after 18 September 1981.
  • NLP (No-Longer Polymers).  The definition of polymers was changed in April 1992 by Council Directive 92/32/EEC amending Directive 67/548/EEC, with the result that substances previously considered to be polymers were no longer excluded from regulation. Thus the No-longer Polymers (NLP) list was drawn up, consisting of such substances that were commercially available between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993.
Database contains 106212 unique substances/entries.
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Residues obtained from the purification of sulfurous anhydride gases obtained during the blende roasting of zinc ores. The sludges contain variable proportions of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, selenium, tellurium and zinc.
Residues obtained from the purification of sulfurous anhydride gases obtained during the blende roasting of zinc ores. The sludges contain variable proportions of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, selenium, tellurium and zinc.
Residues obtained from alkaline scrubbing of flue gases from combustion of mixed electronic components. Composed primarily of silica, alumina, lime and elemental metals.
Residues obtained from alkaline scrubbing of flue gases from combustion of mixed electronic components. Composed primarily of silica, alumina, lime and elemental metals.
Residues obtained during production of zinc sulfate solution by treatment of zinc ores or zinc concentrate solution with sulfuric acid. Consists primarily of insoluble sulfurized argentiferous residues.
Residues obtained during production of zinc sulfate solution by treatment of zinc ores or zinc concentrate solution with sulfuric acid. Consists primarily of insoluble sulfurized argentiferous residues.
Residues obtained by cementation of cadmium by iron dust out of cadmium sulfate solutions. Composed primarily of metallic cadmium and zinc.
Residues obtained by cementation of cadmium by iron dust out of cadmium sulfate solutions. Composed primarily of metallic cadmium and zinc.
Residues from volatilizing zinc dross. Consist primarily of iron and iron oxides.
Residues from volatilizing zinc dross. Consist primarily of iron and iron oxides.
Residues from treating lead refinery ores and residues containing precious metals with sodium boroplumbate followed by thermal fusion.
Residues from treating lead refinery ores and residues containing precious metals with sodium boroplumbate followed by thermal fusion.
Residues from the spraying of tin-based metallic coating by feeding wire or metalic powder into a flame or plasma arc. Consists primarily of tin with varying amounts of cadmium and/or zinc, mainly as metals with some oxides.
Residues from the spraying of tin-based metallic coating by feeding wire or metalic powder into a flame or plasma arc. Consists primarily of tin with varying amounts of cadmium and/or zinc, mainly as metals with some oxides.
Residues from the basic leaching of tin-bearing tungsten ores. Composed primarily of silica and insoluble compounds of manganese, tin and tungsten.
Residues from the basic leaching of tin-bearing tungsten ores. Composed primarily of silica and insoluble compounds of manganese, tin and tungsten.
Residues from sodium molybdate production containing various concentrations of iron, copper, silica and molybdenum.
Residues from sodium molybdate production containing various concentrations of iron, copper, silica and molybdenum.
Residues from processing equipment used in a lead refinery. Consist primarily of lead and lead oxide.
Residues from processing equipment used in a lead refinery. Consist primarily of lead and lead oxide.
Residues from leaching slag from a lead refinery with caustic soda and sulfuric acid. Consists primarily of sodium sulfate, tellurium compounds and lead sulfate.
Residues from leaching slag from a lead refinery with caustic soda and sulfuric acid. Consists primarily of sodium sulfate, tellurium compounds and lead sulfate.
Residues from leaching roasted molybdenum ores. Composed primarily of impure calcium molybdate and other hydroxides, primarily iron hydroxides.
Residues from leaching roasted molybdenum ores. Composed primarily of impure calcium molybdate and other hydroxides, primarily iron hydroxides.
Residues from leaching of roasted molybdenum ores. Consists primarily of impure ammonium polymolybdate and iron.
Residues from leaching of roasted molybdenum ores. Consists primarily of impure ammonium polymolybdate and iron.
Residues from fractional distillation of low temperature coal tar to remove oils that boil in a range up to approximately 300°C (572°F). Composed primarily of aromatic compounds.
Residues from fractional distillation of low temperature coal tar to remove oils that boil in a range up to approximately 300°C (572°F). Composed primarily of aromatic compounds.
Residues from calcium molybdate manufacture containing various concentrations of iron, molybdenum and silicon.
Residues from calcium molybdate manufacture containing various concentrations of iron, molybdenum and silicon.
Residues from basic leaching of roasted molybdenum ores. Composed primarily of salts of copper, iron and molybdenum with silica and traces of ferric carbamate.
Residues from basic leaching of roasted molybdenum ores. Composed primarily of salts of copper, iron and molybdenum with silica and traces of ferric carbamate.
Residues from basic leaching of nickel-bearing vanadium ores. Composed primarily of silica and insoluble compounds of nickel and vanadium with minor quantities of other metals, such as arsenic, lead, tin and zinc.
Residues from basic leaching of nickel-bearing vanadium ores. Composed primarily of silica and insoluble compounds of nickel and vanadium with minor quantities of other metals, such as arsenic, lead, tin and zinc.
Residue rich in calcium sulfate obtained during the desulfurization of flue gases of bituminous coal or oil-fired boilers of power plants. Composed primarily of calcium sulfate with chlorides, fluorides, trace element oxides as well as pure gas dust components from the combustion process.
Residue rich in calcium sulfate obtained during the desulfurization of flue gases of bituminous coal or oil-fired boilers of power plants. Composed primarily of calcium sulfate with chlorides, fluorides, trace element oxides as well as pure gas dust components from the combustion process.
Residue produced in lead smelting operations from the volatillsation of lead from materials smelted. Consists primarily of chlorides and oxides of antimony, arsenic and zinc.
Residue produced in lead smelting operations from the volatillsation of lead from materials smelted. Consists primarily of chlorides and oxides of antimony, arsenic and zinc.
Residue obtained in the metallurgical treatment of lead concentrate in a lead blast furnace. The substance is composed of cadmium oxides, lead oxides, and impurities containing compounds of arsenic, chlorine, indium and tellurium.
Residue obtained in the metallurgical treatment of lead concentrate in a lead blast furnace. The substance is composed of cadmium oxides, lead oxides, and impurities containing compounds of arsenic, chlorine, indium and tellurium.
Residue obtained in the electrolysis of cadmium, composed primarily of thallium chromate. Other non-ferrous metals or metal compounds may also be present.
Residue obtained in the electrolysis of cadmium, composed primarily of thallium chromate. Other non-ferrous metals or metal compounds may also be present.
Residue obtained by treating the hot acid leached filtrate of calcined zinc ore concentrates with zinc ore concentrates at 90°C (194°F). Consists primarily of ferrous sulfide, silica, sulfur and zinc sulfide.
Residue obtained by treating the hot acid leached filtrate of calcined zinc ore concentrates with zinc ore concentrates at 90°C (194°F). Consists primarily of ferrous sulfide, silica, sulfur and zinc sulfide.
Residue obtained by leaching the product of high temperature oxidative roasting of mixtures of chromite ore, sodium carbonate and recycled residue. Consists primarily of oxides of aluminum, chromium, iron, magnesium and silicon.
Residue obtained by leaching the product of high temperature oxidative roasting of mixtures of chromite ore, sodium carbonate and recycled residue. Consists primarily of oxides of aluminum, chromium, iron, magnesium and silicon.
Residue left after the removal of Al2O3 from bauxite. The composition of the residue is dependent on the source of the bauxite and processing conditions. It contains compounds of aluminum, iron, silicon, sodium and titanium.
Residue left after the removal of Al2O3 from bauxite. The composition of the residue is dependent on the source of the bauxite and processing conditions. It contains compounds of aluminum, iron, silicon, sodium and titanium.
Residue from water extraction and heating of acidified pigskin (light layer).
Residue from water extraction and heating of acidified pigskin (light layer).

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