Popis EZ-a

Popis EZ-a

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Popis EZ-a

The EC inventory published below is a copy as received from the JRC in 2008 on the founding of ECHA. It is comprised of the following lists:

  • EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) as published in O.J. C 146A, 15.6.1990. EINECS is an inventory of substances that were deemed to be on the European Community market between 1 January 1971 and 18 September 1981. EINECS was drawn up by the European Commission in the application of Article 13 of Directive 67/548/EEC, as amended by Directive 79/831/EEC, and in accordance with the detailed provisions of Commission Decision 81/437/EEC. Substances listed in EINECS are considered phase-in substances under the REACH Regulation.
  • ELINCS (European LIst of Notified Chemical Substances) in support of Directive 92/32/EEC, the 7th amendment to Directive 67/548/EEC. ELINCS lists those substances which were notified under Directive 67/548/EEC, the Dangerous Substances Directive Notification of New Substances (NONS) that became commercially available after 18 September 1981.
  • NLP (No-Longer Polymers).  The definition of polymers was changed in April 1992 by Council Directive 92/32/EEC amending Directive 67/548/EEC, with the result that substances previously considered to be polymers were no longer excluded from regulation. Thus the No-longer Polymers (NLP) list was drawn up, consisting of such substances that were commercially available between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993.
Database contains 106212 unique substances/entries.
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The waste material obtained from a phosphating process used to treat steel so as to form a protective coating on its surface and reduce its chemical activity. Composed primarily of phosphoric acid, it may contain phosphates of various metals as well as silicon fluoride and sodium chlorate.
The waste material obtained from a phosphating process used to treat steel so as to form a protective coating on its surface and reduce its chemical activity. Composed primarily of phosphoric acid, it may contain phosphates of various metals as well as silicon fluoride and sodium chlorate.
The volatile organic liquid extracted from the gas evolved in the high temperature (greater than 700°C (1292°F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene, and xylenes. May contain other minor hydrocarbon constituents.
The volatile organic liquid extracted from the gas evolved in the high temperature (greater than 700°C (1292°F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of benzene, toluene, and xylenes. May contain other minor hydrocarbon constituents.
The volatile organic liquid condensed from the gas evolved in the low-temperature (less than 700°C (1292°F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydrocarbons.
The volatile organic liquid condensed from the gas evolved in the low-temperature (less than 700°C (1292°F)) destructive distillation of coal. Composed primarily of C6-10 hydrocarbons.
The volatile oil obtained by the distillation of wood tar. Composed primarily of phenolic substances and hydrocarbons. Exact composition varies with production methods and wood source.
The volatile oil obtained by the distillation of wood tar. Composed primarily of phenolic substances and hydrocarbons. Exact composition varies with production methods and wood source.
The unsaponifiable fraction of soybean oil.
The unsaponifiable fraction of soybean oil.
The tocopherol residue obtained by the saponification of soybean deodorizer distillate. Contains the fraction from which the sterol hydrocarbons have been extracted.
The tocopherol residue obtained by the saponification of soybean deodorizer distillate. Contains the fraction from which the sterol hydrocarbons have been extracted.
The thick liquid remaining after the crystallization and removal of sugar from the mother liquor formed during sugar manufacture.
The thick liquid remaining after the crystallization and removal of sugar from the mother liquor formed during sugar manufacture.
The thermally agglomerated substance formed by heating a variable mixture of finely divided coke, iron ore, blast furnace dust, steelmaking dust, mill scale, other miscellaneous iron-bearing materials, limestone, and dolomite at 1315°C to 1482°C (2400°F to 2700°F).
The thermally agglomerated substance formed by heating a variable mixture of finely divided coke, iron ore, blast furnace dust, steelmaking dust, mill scale, other miscellaneous iron-bearing materials, limestone, and dolomite at 1315°C to 1482°C (2400°F to 2700°F).
The terpene fraction separated by distillation from methylionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of methylpseudoionone. It may contain methylpseudoionone, methylionone, methylheptanone and linalool.
The terpene fraction separated by distillation from methylionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of methylpseudoionone. It may contain methylpseudoionone, methylionone, methylheptanone and linalool.
The terpene fraction separated by distillation from ionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of pseudoionone. It may contain pseudoionone, ionone, methylheptanone and linalool.
The terpene fraction separated by distillation from ionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of pseudoionone. It may contain pseudoionone, ionone, methylheptanone and linalool.
The supernatant liquid obtained when brine is concentrated by thermally removing water until sodium chloride crystallizes out.
The supernatant liquid obtained when brine is concentrated by thermally removing water until sodium chloride crystallizes out.
The substantially solvent-free product of the extraction of coal by a supercritical fluid solvent. A black or brown semi-solid, composed primarily of a complex combination of condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic compounds and other aromatic oxygen compounds, and their alkyl derivatives.
The substantially solvent-free product of the extraction of coal by a supercritical fluid solvent. A black or brown semi-solid, composed primarily of a complex combination of condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic compounds and other aromatic oxygen compounds, and their alkyl derivatives.
The substantially solvent-free product obtained by the distillation of the solvent from filtered coal extract solution produced by digesting coal in a liquid solvent. A black semi-solid, composed primarily of a complex combination of condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic compounds and other aromatic oxygen compounds, and their alkyl derivatives.
The substantially solvent-free product obtained by the distillation of the solvent from filtered coal extract solution produced by digesting coal in a liquid solvent. A black semi-solid, composed primarily of a complex combination of condensed-ring aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic compounds and other aromatic oxygen compounds, and their alkyl derivatives.
The substance resulting from the oxidation of the aqueous solution resulting from the reaction of lignocellulosic substances (wood or other agricultural fiber sources) with one or more pulping chemicals including those used in Kraft, sulfite, semichemical or other pulping processes or by the oxidation of the desugared component of this spent pulping liquor.
The substance resulting from the oxidation of the aqueous solution resulting from the reaction of lignocellulosic substances (wood or other agricultural fiber sources) with one or more pulping chemicals including those used in Kraft, sulfite, semichemical or other pulping processes or by the oxidation of the desugared component of this spent pulping liquor.
The substance obtained by controlled heat treatment of food-grade carbohydrates. Food-grade acids, alkalies, and salts may be used to assist carmelization. Food-grade antifoaming agents may be used in an amount not greater than that required to produce the intended effect. Consists essentially of colloidal aggregates that are dispersible in water but only partly dispersible in alcohol-water solutions. Depending upon the particular carmelizing agent used, may have a positive or negative colloidal charge in solution.
The substance obtained by controlled heat treatment of food-grade carbohydrates. Food-grade acids, alkalies, and salts may be used to assist carmelization. Food-grade antifoaming agents may be used in an amount not greater than that required to produce the intended effect. Consists essentially of colloidal aggregates that are dispersible in water but only partly dispersible in alcohol-water solutions. Depending upon the particular carmelizing agent used, may have a positive or negative colloidal charge in solution.
The substance formed during oxidative leaching of cadmium containing flue dust. Consists primarily of cadmium, lead and zinc compounds with chlorine, oxygen and sulfur and contains other nonferrous metal compounds.
The substance formed during oxidative leaching of cadmium containing flue dust. Consists primarily of cadmium, lead and zinc compounds with chlorine, oxygen and sulfur and contains other nonferrous metal compounds.
The solution of an appropriate pickling acid or combination of acids containing any of the elements, oxides, or salts present in steel. Pickling acids include hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids.
The solution of an appropriate pickling acid or combination of acids containing any of the elements, oxides, or salts present in steel. Pickling acids include hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids.
The solution formed by reacting the sodium salts of green liquor with calcium hydroxide.
The solution formed by reacting the sodium salts of green liquor with calcium hydroxide.
The solids removed in the clarification of a pulp mill primary waste stream or from the biological action in an aerated stabilization lagoon. It consists mainly of wood fibers, fiber fragments, proteinaceous materials.
The solids removed in the clarification of a pulp mill primary waste stream or from the biological action in an aerated stabilization lagoon. It consists mainly of wood fibers, fiber fragments, proteinaceous materials.
The solid product obtained by surface slagging of hot galvanizing baths. Composed primarily of metallic zinc and zinc oxide.
The solid product obtained by surface slagging of hot galvanizing baths. Composed primarily of metallic zinc and zinc oxide.
The solid product obtained by surface scorification of hot galvanizing baths. Composed primarily of zinc.
The solid product obtained by surface scorification of hot galvanizing baths. Composed primarily of zinc.
The solid material resulting from high temperature (greater than 700°C (1292°F)) carbonization of a pitch bound coal briquette. Composed primarily of carbon, it may contain varying amounts of ash, sulfur, volatile material and moisture.
The solid material resulting from high temperature (greater than 700°C (1292°F)) carbonization of a pitch bound coal briquette. Composed primarily of carbon, it may contain varying amounts of ash, sulfur, volatile material and moisture.
The solid carbonaceous residue from the treatment of coal with a solvent in the presence of hydrogen at high temperatures (over 427°C (800°F)). It consists primarily of unconverted coal and mineral matter.
The solid carbonaceous residue from the treatment of coal with a solvent in the presence of hydrogen at high temperatures (over 427°C (800°F)). It consists primarily of unconverted coal and mineral matter.
The sodium salt of the substance identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77727.
The sodium salt of the substance identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 77727.
The slag or residue obtained when lead/silver anodes used in the electrolytic production of zinc are recast. Fusion of the alloys of lead and silver (manganese may also be present) and simultaneous oxidation occur.
The slag or residue obtained when lead/silver anodes used in the electrolytic production of zinc are recast. Fusion of the alloys of lead and silver (manganese may also be present) and simultaneous oxidation occur.
The slag obtained from the reduction in furnaces of tungsten-containing ores, concentrates and secondary materials. Composed primarily of iron, tin and tungsten.
The slag obtained from the reduction in furnaces of tungsten-containing ores, concentrates and secondary materials. Composed primarily of iron, tin and tungsten.
The slag obtained by treatment with soda and, in special cases, borax of the unreduced product from the treatment of lead-, tin- and zinc-containing mixed oxides in a reverberatory furnace with coal. Composed primarily of sodium and zinc.
The slag obtained by treatment with soda and, in special cases, borax of the unreduced product from the treatment of lead-, tin- and zinc-containing mixed oxides in a reverberatory furnace with coal. Composed primarily of sodium and zinc.
The residuum from the reaction of diethylene glycol and ammonia. It consists predominantly of morpholine-based derivatives such as [(aminoethoxy)ethyl]morpholine, [(hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]morpholine, 3-morpholinone, and 4,4'-(oxydi-2,1-ethanediyl)bis[morpholine].
The residuum from the reaction of diethylene glycol and ammonia. It consists predominantly of morpholine-based derivatives such as [(aminoethoxy)ethyl]morpholine, [(hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]morpholine, 3-morpholinone, and 4,4'-(oxydi-2,1-ethanediyl)bis[morpholine].
The residuum from the distillation of the products from the air oxidation of cyclohexane. It consists of alcohols, acids and lactones having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.
The residuum from the distillation of the products from the air oxidation of cyclohexane. It consists of alcohols, acids and lactones having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C4 through C6.
The residuum from the distillation of the hydroxycitronellal products from the acid-hydration and dehydrogenation of citronellol.
The residuum from the distillation of the hydroxycitronellal products from the acid-hydration and dehydrogenation of citronellol.
The residuum from the distillation of the citronellol products obtained by the acid-hydration of myrcene.
The residuum from the distillation of the citronellol products obtained by the acid-hydration of myrcene.
The residuum from the distillation of hydrogenated tallow fatty acids. It may contain hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, polymerized fatty acids and undistilled fatty acids similar to hydrogenated tallow fatty acids.
The residuum from the distillation of hydrogenated tallow fatty acids. It may contain hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, polymerized fatty acids and undistilled fatty acids similar to hydrogenated tallow fatty acids.
The residuum from the distillation of hexamethylenediamine from the hydrogenation of adiponitrile. It consists primarily of hexamethylenediamine dimer with various small amounts of hexamethylenediamine and alkylhexamethylenediamine.
The residuum from the distillation of hexamethylenediamine from the hydrogenation of adiponitrile. It consists primarily of hexamethylenediamine dimer with various small amounts of hexamethylenediamine and alkylhexamethylenediamine.
The residuum from the distillation of coconut oil fatty acids. It may contain hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, polymerized fatty acids and undistilled fatty acids similar to the coco-fatty acids.
The residuum from the distillation of coconut oil fatty acids. It may contain hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, polymerized fatty acids and undistilled fatty acids similar to the coco-fatty acids.
The residuum from the distillation of cinnamic aldehyde. It consists primarily of polymers of the cinnamic aldehyde.
The residuum from the distillation of cinnamic aldehyde. It consists primarily of polymers of the cinnamic aldehyde.
The residuum from the distillation of amylcinnamic aldehyde. It consists primarily of very high-boiling polymeric material.
The residuum from the distillation of amylcinnamic aldehyde. It consists primarily of very high-boiling polymeric material.
The residuum from the distillation of 2-methylundecanal. It consists primarily of very high-boiling polymeric material.
The residuum from the distillation of 2-methylundecanal. It consists primarily of very high-boiling polymeric material.
The residuum from the burning of a combination of plants.
The residuum from the burning of a combination of plants.
The residuum from the burning of a combination of carbonaceous materials. The following elements may be present as oxides: aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sulfur, titanium, and vanadium.
The residuum from the burning of a combination of carbonaceous materials. The following elements may be present as oxides: aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sulfur, titanium, and vanadium.
The residues obtained from the leaching of scrap and waste materials containing gold, iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, ruthenium or silver. Composed primarily of alumina and silica with traces of all of the precious metals.
The residues obtained from the leaching of scrap and waste materials containing gold, iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, ruthenium or silver. Composed primarily of alumina and silica with traces of all of the precious metals.
The residues obtained by the addition of aluminum or zinc to end liquors obtained from secondary refining of gold, iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, ruthenium or silver. Composed primarily of the precious metals, ammonium chloride and chlorides of aluminum, magnesium and zinc.
The residues obtained by the addition of aluminum or zinc to end liquors obtained from secondary refining of gold, iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, ruthenium or silver. Composed primarily of the precious metals, ammonium chloride and chlorides of aluminum, magnesium and zinc.
The residue separated from pseudomethylionone during distillation. It consists primarily of pseudomethylionone and polymers.
The residue separated from pseudomethylionone during distillation. It consists primarily of pseudomethylionone and polymers.
The residue separated from pseudoionone during distillation. It consists primarily of pseudoionone and polymers.
The residue separated from pseudoionone during distillation. It consists primarily of pseudoionone and polymers.
The residue resulting from the distillation of tallow nitrile. Composed primarily of fatty acids, fatty amides, and glycerides. May also contain undistilled tallow nitrile and hydrocarbons.
The residue resulting from the distillation of tallow nitrile. Composed primarily of fatty acids, fatty amides, and glycerides. May also contain undistilled tallow nitrile and hydrocarbons.
The residue resulting from the distillation of methylionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of methylpseudoionone. It consists primarily of methylionone and polymeric materials.
The residue resulting from the distillation of methylionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of methylpseudoionone. It consists primarily of methylionone and polymeric materials.
The residue resulting from the distillation of ionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of pseudoionone. It consists primarily of ionone and polymeric materials.
The residue resulting from the distillation of ionone which has been prepared by the acid catalyzed cyclization of pseudoionone. It consists primarily of ionone and polymeric materials.
The residue resulting from the distillation of hydrogenated tallow nitrile. Composed primarily of fatty acids, fatty amides, and glycerides. May also contain undistilled hydrogenated tallow nitrile and hydrocarbons.
The residue resulting from the distillation of hydrogenated tallow nitrile. Composed primarily of fatty acids, fatty amides, and glycerides. May also contain undistilled hydrogenated tallow nitrile and hydrocarbons.
The residue remaining from the distillation of recovered naphtha. Composed primarily of naphthalene and condensation products of indene and styrene.
The residue remaining from the distillation of recovered naphtha. Composed primarily of naphthalene and condensation products of indene and styrene.
The residue obtained from the treatment with calcium hydroxide of the complex combination of substances from the treatment with lime of the liquor obtained by leaching of frits from high temperature oxidative roasting of chromite ore, sodium carbonate and recycled chrome residues. Composed primarily of calcium vanadate and other calcium compounds.
The residue obtained from the treatment with calcium hydroxide of the complex combination of substances from the treatment with lime of the liquor obtained by leaching of frits from high temperature oxidative roasting of chromite ore, sodium carbonate and recycled chrome residues. Composed primarily of calcium vanadate and other calcium compounds.
The residue obtained from the treatment of lead with acetic acid. Composed primarily of elemental lead, lead acetate and basic lead carbonate hydroxide.
The residue obtained from the treatment of lead with acetic acid. Composed primarily of elemental lead, lead acetate and basic lead carbonate hydroxide.

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