Popis EZ-a

Popis EZ-a

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Popis EZ-a

The EC inventory published below is a copy as received from the JRC in 2008 on the founding of ECHA. It is comprised of the following lists:

  • EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) as published in O.J. C 146A, 15.6.1990. EINECS is an inventory of substances that were deemed to be on the European Community market between 1 January 1971 and 18 September 1981. EINECS was drawn up by the European Commission in the application of Article 13 of Directive 67/548/EEC, as amended by Directive 79/831/EEC, and in accordance with the detailed provisions of Commission Decision 81/437/EEC. Substances listed in EINECS are considered phase-in substances under the REACH Regulation.
  • ELINCS (European LIst of Notified Chemical Substances) in support of Directive 92/32/EEC, the 7th amendment to Directive 67/548/EEC. ELINCS lists those substances which were notified under Directive 67/548/EEC, the Dangerous Substances Directive Notification of New Substances (NONS) that became commercially available after 18 September 1981.
  • NLP (No-Longer Polymers).  The definition of polymers was changed in April 1992 by Council Directive 92/32/EEC amending Directive 67/548/EEC, with the result that substances previously considered to be polymers were no longer excluded from regulation. Thus the No-longer Polymers (NLP) list was drawn up, consisting of such substances that were commercially available between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993.
Database contains 106212 unique substances/entries.
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Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of ovary composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of ovary composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of ovalbumin composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of ovalbumin composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of muscle composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of muscle composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Molva byrkelange composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Molva byrkelange composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed vegetables composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed vegetables composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed microorganisms composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed microorganisms composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed animals composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mixed animals composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of milk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of milk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of methylophilus methylotrophus composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of methylophilus methylotrophus composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of merlangus vulgaris composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of merlangus vulgaris composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mammary gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mammary gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of lung composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of lung composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of liver composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of liver composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of kidney composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of kidney composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of hoofs and horns composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of hoofs and horns composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Helianthus annuus composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Helianthus annuus composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of heart composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of heart composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of gossypium composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of gossypium composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of gallbladder composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of gallbladder composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fusarium graminearum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fusarium graminearum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of flaxseed composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of flaxseed composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fibronectin composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fibronectin composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fetal epidermis composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of fetal epidermis composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of epidermis composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of epidermis composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of embryo composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of embryo composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of egg yolk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of egg yolk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of egg composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of egg composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of duodenum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of duodenum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of different kinds of fish composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of different kinds of fish composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of corynebacterium melassecola composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of corynebacterium melassecola composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken-egg white composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken-egg white composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of cheek composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of cheek composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of cartilage composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of cartilage composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of brain composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of brain composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of bone marrow composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of bone marrow composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of blood serum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of blood serum composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of blood composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of blood composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Atlantic mackerel composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of Atlantic mackerel composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of armeniaca vulgaris composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of armeniaca vulgaris composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of arachis hypogaea composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of arachis hypogaea composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of aorta composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of aorta composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of antral mucosa stomach composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of antral mucosa stomach composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of anchovy composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of anchovy composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of adrenal gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of adrenal gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of adrenal cortex composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of adrenal cortex composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.
Substance obtained as scale during heat treatment of copper and copper alloys. Consists primarily of copper oxides.
Substance obtained as scale during heat treatment of copper and copper alloys. Consists primarily of copper oxides.
Substance obtained as a powdery cathodic precipitate during the electrolytic decoppering stage of copper refining electrolysis. Consists primarily of copper with antimony, arsenic, lead and nickel in metallic form as well as oxides and sulfates.
Substance obtained as a powdery cathodic precipitate during the electrolytic decoppering stage of copper refining electrolysis. Consists primarily of copper with antimony, arsenic, lead and nickel in metallic form as well as oxides and sulfates.
Substance obtained after addition of sylvinite and fluorspar to metal dross foam to purify aluminum and to obtain metal-poor dross. Consists primarily of aluminum, calcium fluoride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride.
Substance obtained after addition of sylvinite and fluorspar to metal dross foam to purify aluminum and to obtain metal-poor dross. Consists primarily of aluminum, calcium fluoride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride.
Substance obtained after addition of carnallite and fluorspar to liquid magnesium alloys to cover and refine the magnesium. Consists primarily of calcium fluoride, magnesium, magnesium chloride, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride and sodium chloride.
Substance obtained after addition of carnallite and fluorspar to liquid magnesium alloys to cover and refine the magnesium. Consists primarily of calcium fluoride, magnesium, magnesium chloride, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride and sodium chloride.

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