Kemikalije koje podliježu Uredbi PIC

Chemicals Subject to PIC


PIC - Prior Informed Consent Regulation

Substances subject to export controls or banned from export from the EU under the PIC Regulation

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  Annex & Part Association Details
Potassium chlorate 223-289-7 3811-04-9 Annex I Part 1Annex I Part 2 Indirect Entry View chemical details

The PIC Regulation applies to a specific list of chemical substances, and to mixtures containing such chemicals at a concentration triggering labelling obligations under the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, and to articles containing these chemicals in an unreacted form.

The data is presented in two views: PIC Annex Entries, showing the specific entries to Annex I and V of the PIC Regulation; Substances in scope, showing for information only a set of the chemical substances identified as belonging to the PIC Annex Entries. While ECHA makes every effort to keep the substances in scope up to date, for Annex Entries where all substances in scope cannot be listed, for example “Cadmium and its compounds”, note that the chemicals in scope provided do not constitute a comprehensive list.

PIC Annex Entries

The PIC Annex Entries view will show the identity of each Annex Entry, including EC and CAS numerical identifiers where available. The specific Annex Part(s) which apply, the use category, and the use limitation will be shown directly, along with a link to more details per entry.

These details will include the same Annex Part(s), use category, and use limitation currently in force as in the initial view. Where available any regulatory history will also be shown. There will also be an extract of the relevant legislation text (taken at the time the Entry was added to the PIC Regulation), and an overview of the related PIC data for the Entry, giving the counts of Export notifications, Explicit consent or waiver requests, and Import notifications.

Substances in Scope

The Substances in Scope view will show the identity of each substance, including EC and CAS numerical identifiers where available. The specific Annex Part(s) which are calculated to apply, and an indication of whether the substance is itself directly a PIC Annex Entry, or is an identified member of an Annex Entry representing a group substance (e.g. “Cadmium and its compounds”) will also be shown. There will also be a link to more details per substance.

These details will include, where relevant, an indication of why the substance is considered in scope of the PIC Regulation (e.g. “Cadmium succinate” is considered in scope since it is identified as belonging to the group “Cadmium and its compounds”). The same Annex Part(s) will be shown as in the initial view, along with the use category and use limitation. Where available any regulatory history will also be shown. There will also be an extract of the relevant legislation text (taken at the time the related Entry was added to the PIC Regulation), and an overview of the related PIC data for the Substance, giving the count of Export notifications, Explicit consent or waiver requests, and Import notifications.

In both views the data presented come from PIC Regulation Annexes I and V.

Annex I

Annex I lists the chemicals subject to PIC controls, and is divided into three parts that define the different obligations that apply.

Part 1

These are entries subject to an export notification procedure – where the authorities of the destination country are informed of the export. Entries in this Annex Part comprise chemicals that are banned or severely restricted within the EU in at least one of the four use subcategories defined in the PIC Regulation:

  • Industrial chemicals for professional use
  • Industrial chemicals for consumer use
  • Pesticides used as plant protection products
  • Other pesticides such as biocidal products

Part 2

These are entries subject to the requirements of Part 2, and in addition the additional requirement that the authorities of the destination country providing a statement to show that they agree to the import, called an explicit consent.

These qualify for PIC notification under the Rotterdam Convention because they are banned or severely restricted within the EU in one of the two use categories defined by the Rotterdam Convention: pesticide or industrial chemical.

Part 3

These are entries which are subject to the export notification requirement, and additionally to the explicit consent, except where an import response is published in the PIC circular of the Rotterdam Convention, and certain criteria are met.

These entries are subject to the PIC procedure as described in the Rotterdam Convention and are listed in Annex III to the Convention itself.

Annex V

Annex V lists the chemicals and articles the use of which is prohibited in the European Union and which shall not be exported. Chemicals and articles listed in Part 1 of Annex V are subject to export ban and belong to the category of persistent organic pollutants; Part 2 of Annex V lists chemicals and articles subject to export ban other than persistent organic pollutants.