Registrirane tvari
Registrirane tvari
Data platform availability banner - registered substances
The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA. At first this system will contain only substances and data from REACH registration dossiers. For new and updated REACH registration data please check ECHA CHEM. See for more information on the transition to ECHA CHEM. More
Please be aware that REACH registration data here on the current Dissemination Platform is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.
REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation
Registered Substances Factsheets
Substances which have been registered and can be placed on the EEA market by those companies with a valid registration
Name | EC / List no. | CAS no. | Registration Status | Registration type | Submission type | Total tonnage band | Last Updated | Details |
202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | Active | Full | Joint | ≥ 10 000 to < 100 000 tonnes | 23-02-2023 | View substance registered dossier |
202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | Active | Intermediate | Individual | Intermediate use only | 27-01-2020 | View substance registered dossier |
Registrant/Supplier | Address | Country | Registration Status | Name | EC / List no. | CAS no. | Last update year | Details |
PHARMEGIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED | 6th Floor, Konstitucijos av. 21A, Vilnius 08130 Vilnius Lithuania Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Yordas GmbH | Äußere Nürnberger Str. 62, 91301 Forchheim Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Taminco BV | Pantserschipstraat 207 9000 Gent Belgium | Belgium | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2023 | View substance registered dossier |
Intertek Deutschland GmbH 73 | Stangenstrasse 1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP | Suite 1E, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
HARKE Chemicals GmbH | Xantener Str.1 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Du Pont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH | Hugenottenallee 175 D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Hesse Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
HD MicroSystems GmbH | Hugenottenallee 175 D- 63263 Neu-Isenburg Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Labcorp Development SA 151 | Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 – 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain | Spain | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Valeo Compressor Europe s.r.o. | Central Trade Park 1571 369 01 Humpolec Czech Republic | Czech Republic | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Resonac Europe GmbH (IMP) | Daimlerstrasse 19 86368 Gersthofen Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2021 | View substance registered dossier |
Ashland Services BV (OR2) | Noordweg 9 3336 LH Zwijndrecht Netherlands | Netherlands | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2015; 2016; 2018 | View substance registered dossier |
Exxelia S.A.S | 93, rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris France | France | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Lyondell Chemie Nederland B.V. | Deltseplein 27E 3013 AA Rotterdam Netherlands | Netherlands | Cease Manufacture | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2014 | View substance registered dossier |
momaja s.r.o. | Karolinská 650/1 186 00 Prague 8 Czech Republic | Czech Republic | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMIE GMBH | Riedstrasse 2 89555 Steinheim Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2020 | View substance registered dossier |
Patheon Austria GmbH & Co KG | St. Peterstrasse 25 A-4020 Linz Austria | Austria | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Merck Schuchardt OHG | Eduard-Buchner-Str. 85662 Hohenbrunn Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
BCS Only Representative Services Ltd | Pembroke House 30 Upper Pembroke Street Dublin 2 Dublin Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2020; 2022 | View substance registered dossier |
GBL Europe BV | Postbus 193 8330AD Steenwijk Netherlands | Netherlands | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2018; 2019 | View substance registered dossier |
Vishay BCcomponents Austria GmbH | Ebentalerstrasse 140 9020 Klagenfurt Austria | Austria | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2018 | View substance registered dossier |
TDK Hungary Components Kft. | Csaba utca 30. 9700 Szombathely Hungary | Hungary | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
FUJIFILM Electronic Materials (Europe) N.V. | Keetberglaan 1A Haven 1061 2070 Zwijndrecht Antwerp Belgium | Belgium | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2020 | View substance registered dossier |
PPG Europe B.V. - OR1 | Amsterdamseweg 14 1422 AD Uithoorn Netherlands | Netherlands | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED | Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited | Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland | Ireland | Cease Manufacture | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2021 | View substance registered dossier |
BASF SE | Carl-Bosch-Str. 38 67056 Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rheinland-Pfalz Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2019 | View substance registered dossier |
JSR Micro n.v. | Technologielaan 8 3001 Leuven Belgium | Belgium | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
FujiFilm Manufacturing Europe BV | Oudenstaart 1 5047 TK Tilburg Netherlands | Netherlands | No longer Valid | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2023 | View substance registered dossier |
CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED | Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2022 | View substance registered dossier |
Coloplast Hungary Kft. | Búzavirág út 15 2800 Tatabánya Hungary | Hungary | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
Du Pont (U.K.) Limited | London Road 4th Floor, Kings Court SG1 2NG Stevenage Hertfordshire United Kingdom | United Kingdom | No longer Valid | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2021 | View substance registered dossier |
UAB "Clean and Solve" | Laisvės pr. 60-1107 LT-05120 VILNIUS Lithuania | Lithuania | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2018 | View substance registered dossier |
CS Regulatory IRL Ltd 1L-7 | Alexandra House The Sweepstakes D04 C7H2 Dublin Ballsbridge Ireland | Ireland | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | - | View substance registered dossier |
DSM Nutritional Products GmbH | Emil-Barell-Str. 3 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen Germany | Germany | Active | γ-butyrolactone | 202-509-5 | 96-48-0 | 2013; 2020 | View substance registered dossier |
Podatci potječu iz registracijskih dosjea dostavljenih ECHA-i do datuma posljednjeg ažuriranja. Ukupni količinski raspon izveden je na temelju svih dosjea uz dvije iznimke: sve količine označene kao povjerljive i sve količine upotrijebljene kao intermedijeri za proizvodnju drugih kemikalija. Objavljeni ukupni količinski raspon ne odražava nužno registrirani količinski raspon.
Imajte na umu da su neke informacije o registriranim tvarima možda vlasništvo trećih strana. Stoga je za uporabu tih informacija možda potrebno prethodno dopuštenje njihovih vlasnika. Dodatne informacije o tomu možete pročitati u Pravnoj napomeni.
Napominjemo da su informacije o kemijskim svojstvima registriranih tvari dostupne izravno na portalu eChemPortal.
- Registered substances information
- How to determine what will be published (Data Submission Manual 15)
- Understanding REACH Regulation
- Q&A on registered substances
- What is an Infocard? [PDF]
- What is a Registered substance Factsheet? [PDF]
- eChemPortal
- REACH study results download
- REACH Regulation
- ECHA Legal notice
Welcome to the REACH Registered Substance Factsheets
Here you will find details from REACH registrations submitted to ECHA. Registrations under REACH can be submitted either jointly – where a group of legal entities pool their data – or individually. The set of details from each published joint or individual submission is presented as a row in the results table. For each row there is also an ‘eye’ icon leading to the detailed factsheet which contains the entire public dataset, following the IUCLID format.
Note that there can be more than one joint or individual submission for the same substance, thus there can be cases where one substance is covered by many REACH registered substance factsheets.
Note too, that as mentioned in the Legal Notice of the ECHA website, ECHA does not give any guarantees or warranties regarding the quality and correctness of the published information. The information in the portal is published ‘as provided’ by industry, and its accuracy has not been verified by ECHA. ECHA is also not in a position to intervene with, edit or correct the published data; this can only be done by the registrant responsible for its submission.
Finally, please note that the information may be protected and its use may require prior permission from its owner (see the ECHA website Legal Notice more details).
All substances table
The “All substances” table gives an overview of all the REACH registered substance factsheets on file at ECHA. Since this covers all data ever submitted since the entry into force of the REACH Regulation, there are some substances which are no longer considered registered under REACH in the EU / EEA. These can be for example substances that were registered only in the UK; since Brexit they are no longer registered in the EU / EEA.
The following columns are presented in the “All substances” table:
- Public substance identity – the best available non-confidential substance name, EC, and CAS numbers.
- Registration status – indicating the calculated registration status for the whole factsheet: Active – is being manufactured or imported to the EEA by one or more registrants; Cease Manufacture - is no longer being manufactured or imported above 1 tone per calendar year. All registrants of the substance have reported a cease of manufacture or import; or No longer valid - no longer considered registered under REACH and not currently allowed to be manufactured or imported to the EEA, until the substance is registered again.
- Registration type – indicating whether a given factsheet contains data from a REACH full registration, REACH intermediate registration, or only a limited set of data inherited from a NONS notification.
- Submission type – indicating whether the data in a given factsheet was submitted jointly or individually.
- Total tonnage band – calculated per factsheet from all contributing registrations, based on the estimated quantity of the substance placed on the market. Data is excluded from dossiers where the tonnage is claimed confidential, from Intermediate registration dossiers, and from NONs which have not been updated.
- Last updated – indicating the date on which this registered substance factsheet was last modified with new or updated data, based on an industry submission.
- ‘Eye’ icon linking to the full factsheet.
The search for REACH registered substance factsheets is divided into logically separated blocks of related search filters. Note that the search works so that if you provide filters in different blocks, then the results returned must match the filters in block 1 AND those in block 2 etc. Searches are conducted on all the public data included in all published REACH registrations.
Substance identity
In this block you can search by substance identifiers, under filters for Name, EC / List number, and CAS number. Full or partial identifiers can be used. And under the Name filter you can search by any substance name of any kind from any source. Other numerical identifiers such as Harmonised C&L Index number, or PIC CN code can also optionally be used.
Administrative data
In this block you can search by administrative information relating to REACH registered substance factsheets:
- Registration type – picklist of Full, Intermediate, NONS
- Registration status – picklist of Active, Cease Manufacture, No longer valid
- Submission type – Individual or Joint
- Country in which registered – picklist of current and former EU / EEA member states from which REACH registrations were received
- First published date – the date when a REACH registration factsheet was first published
- Last update date – the last date when any registrant / supplier submission contributing to a given REACH registration factsheet was submitted
- Last update year – the year in which any registrant / supplier last made an update submission included in a given REACH registration factsheet
- Registrant / supplier name – where available and not claimed confidential
- Registration number – where available and not claimed confidential
- Registrant address – where available and not claimed confidential
Substance data
In this block you can search by substance related data from REACH registered substance factsheets:
- Tonnage band – picklist of Tonnage range, Tonnage Confidential, Intermediate use only
- Selected total tonnage band range – available only if Tonnage range is selected, and allows to filter REACH registered substance factsheets within any selected min and max value
- Substance has nanoform – picklist of Yes, No
- PBT assessment outcome – picklist of all possible PBT assessment outcomes
- CSA performed – picklist of Yes, No
Use and exposure
In this block you can search by elements relating to how use and exposure are encoded in REACH registrations.
Under the Life cycle option you can select one or more life cycle stages. The search results returned will include only factsheets containing uses reported under the selected life cycle stages.
Under the Category option there are modal popups for each of the use descriptor categories – Product, Sector of use, Process, Environmental release, and Article categories. In each of these are multi select picklists for all the related descriptor codes. The search results returned will include only factsheets containing uses which include the selected descriptor codes.
Note that the Life cycle and Category options work together, so that if a life cycle stage and Category options are both selected the search results will include factsheets containing specific uses in the selected life cycle stage, and where the use includes the selected descriptor codes.
With the search operator option you can select to refine how the search works. AND refines results and returns only those factsheets where ALL the search filter criteria are met. OR broadens the results and returns factsheets where ANY of the selected search filter criteria are met.
The factsheets
There is always a detailed factsheet per joint or individual submission, and it is generated based primarily on the IUCLID format.
The factsheet header begins with the identity of the substance in question, to which the factsheet is linked. The substance identity should always be aligned with that shown in the related substance Infocard. Note that since the Infocard refreshes daily, whereas the factsheet sometimes refreshes on a slower pace, sometimes the data may be out of alignment. In such cases it will always realign as quickly as possible.
The substance identification is enriched with the data provided in the relevant IUCLID section of the primary submitted dossier – either the joint submission lead, or the single individual submission.
In this section are also provided the type of substance, all other identifiers such as trade names, common names, other names etc, as well as all distinct submitted compositions for the substance.
Next is a page covering administrative type information from the data submitted, including:
Registration details, on the total tonnage band informed to ECHA, the registration type, first published and last updated dates, and whether a chemical safety assessment has been performed.
Registrant / supplier details, giving the identity and status of registrants / suppliers, except where the identity has been claimed confidential.
Registration numbers, giving again the identity and status of registration numbers, except where claimed confidential.
Contact persons responsible for the SDS, giving the non-confidential SDS contacts provided to ECHA.
The remainder of the factsheet faithfully follows the IUCLID structure, covering the C&L and PBT, Manufacture, use, and exposure, Physical and chemical properties, Environmental fate and pathways, Ecotoxicological information, Toxicological information, Analytical methods (if available), Guidance on safe use, Assessment reports, and Reference substances.