PIC Factsheet

Chemicals Subject to PIC - Factsheet


PIC - Prior Informed Consent Regulation

Substances subject to export controls or banned from export from the EU under the PIC Regulation

Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT)
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Current PIC Context
Annex Legal Act Category Subcategory Use Limitation From To
Annex I Part 3
Annex I Part 1
304/2003 Industrial Chemicals
Industrial Chemicals

Industrial chemicals for professional use

PIC Regulatory History
Annex Legal Act Category Subcategory Use Limitation From To
Annex I Part 3
Annex I Part 1
304/2003 Industrial Chemicals
Industrial Chemicals

Industrial chemicals for professional use

Legislation text
1. Shall not be used. However, the following use of equipment, installations and fluids which were in service on 30 June 1986 shall continue to be permitted until they are disposed of or reach the end of their service life: (a) closed-system electrical equipment transformers, resistors and inductors; (b) large condensers (= 1 kg total weight); (c) small condensers; (d) heat-transmitting fluids in closed-circuit heat-transfer installations; (e) hydraulic fluids for underground mining equipment. 2. The Member State may, for reasons of protection of human health and the environment, prohibit the use of equipment, installations and fluids covered by paragraph 1 before they are disposed of or reach the end of their service life. 3. The placing on the second-hand market of equipment, plant and fluids covered by paragraph 1 which are not intended for disposal shall be prohibited. 4. Where the Member State considers that it is not possible for technical reasons to use substitute articles, it may permit the use of PCTs and preparations thereof where the latter are solely intended, in the normal conditions of maintenance of equipment, to supplement the level of liquids containing PCTs in properly functioning existing installations purchased before 1 October 1985. 5. The Member State may, provided prior notification stating the reasons is sent to the Commission, grant derogations from the ban on the placing on the market and use of primary and intermediate substances or preparations, in so far as they consider that these derogations have no deleterious effects on human health and the environment. 6. Without prejudice to the implementation of other Community provisions relating to the labelling of dangerous substances and preparations, equipment and installations containing PCTs must also display instructions concerning the disposal of PCTs and the maintenance and use of equipment and installations containing them. These instructions must be capable of being read horizontally when the object containing the PCTs is installed in the normal way. The inscription must stand out clearly from its background and shall be in a language which is understood in the territory where it is being used.
Submitted Data for Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT)