PIC Factsheet

Chemicals Subject to PIC - Factsheet


PIC - Prior Informed Consent Regulation

Substances subject to export controls or banned from export from the EU under the PIC Regulation

Articles containing concentrations at or above 0,1 % of tetra-, penta-, hexa- or heptabromodiphenyl ether by weight when produced partially or fully from recycled materials or materials from waste prepared for re-use
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Current PIC Context
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PIC Regulatory History
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Annex V Part 1

01-04-2018 30-06-2022
Legislation text
The Stockholm Convention allows recycling of articles that contain or may contain tetra- and pentabromodiphenyl ether or hexa- and heptabromodiphenyl ether, and the use and final disposal of articles manufactured from recycled materials that contain those substances provided that steps are taken to prevent exports of such articles that contain levels or concentrations of those substances exceeding those permitted for the sale, use, import or manufacture of those articles within the territory of the respective Party. In order to implement that obligation in the Union, articles containing concentrations of those substances at or above 0,1 % by weight when produced partially or fully from recycled materials or materials from waste prepared for re-use should be prohibited for export by adding them to Part 1 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) No 649/2012.
Submitted Data for Articles containing concentrations at or above 0,1 % of tetra-, penta-, hexa- or heptabromodiphenyl ether by weight when produced partially or fully from recycled materials or materials from waste prepared for re-use