Registration Dossier
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Diss Factsheets
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EC number: 225-263-0 | CAS number: 4747-07-3
- Life Cycle description
- Uses advised against
- Endpoint summary
- Appearance / physical state / colour
- Melting point / freezing point
- Boiling point
- Density
- Particle size distribution (Granulometry)
- Vapour pressure
- Partition coefficient
- Water solubility
- Solubility in organic solvents / fat solubility
- Surface tension
- Flash point
- Auto flammability
- Flammability
- Explosiveness
- Oxidising properties
- Oxidation reduction potential
- Stability in organic solvents and identity of relevant degradation products
- Storage stability and reactivity towards container material
- Stability: thermal, sunlight, metals
- pH
- Dissociation constant
- Viscosity
- Additional physico-chemical information
- Additional physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials
- Nanomaterial agglomeration / aggregation
- Nanomaterial crystalline phase
- Nanomaterial crystallite and grain size
- Nanomaterial aspect ratio / shape
- Nanomaterial specific surface area
- Nanomaterial Zeta potential
- Nanomaterial surface chemistry
- Nanomaterial dustiness
- Nanomaterial porosity
- Nanomaterial pour density
- Nanomaterial photocatalytic activity
- Nanomaterial radical formation potential
- Nanomaterial catalytic activity
- Endpoint summary
- Stability
- Biodegradation
- Bioaccumulation
- Transport and distribution
- Environmental data
- Additional information on environmental fate and behaviour
- Ecotoxicological Summary
- Aquatic toxicity
- Endpoint summary
- Short-term toxicity to fish
- Long-term toxicity to fish
- Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
- Long-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
- Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria
- Toxicity to aquatic plants other than algae
- Toxicity to microorganisms
- Endocrine disrupter testing in aquatic vertebrates – in vivo
- Toxicity to other aquatic organisms
- Sediment toxicity
- Terrestrial toxicity
- Biological effects monitoring
- Biotransformation and kinetics
- Additional ecotoxological information
- Toxicological Summary
- Toxicokinetics, metabolism and distribution
- Acute Toxicity
- Irritation / corrosion
- Sensitisation
- Repeated dose toxicity
- Genetic toxicity
- Carcinogenicity
- Toxicity to reproduction
- Specific investigations
- Exposure related observations in humans
- Toxic effects on livestock and pets
- Additional toxicological data
Genetic toxicity: in vitro
Administrative data
- Endpoint:
- in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria
- Type of information:
- experimental study
- Adequacy of study:
- key study
- Study period:
- 15 December 2016 - 6 February 2017
- Reliability:
- 1 (reliable without restriction)
- Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
- guideline study
Data source
- Reference Type:
- study report
- Title:
- Unnamed
- Year:
- 2 017
- Report date:
- 2017
Materials and methods
Test guideline
- Qualifier:
- according to guideline
- Guideline:
- OECD Guideline 471 (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay)
- Version / remarks:
- (1997)
- Deviations:
- no
- GLP compliance:
- yes (incl. QA statement)
- Type of assay:
- bacterial reverse mutation assay
Test material
- Reference substance name:
- 1-methoxyhexane
- EC Number:
- 225-263-0
- EC Name:
- 1-methoxyhexane
- Cas Number:
- 4747-07-3
- Molecular formula:
- C7H16O
- IUPAC Name:
- 1-methoxyhexane
- Test material form:
- liquid
Constituent 1
- Target gene:
- - S. typhimurium: Histidine gene
Species / strain
- Species / strain / cell type:
- S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 98, TA 100 and E. coli WP2
- Metabolic activation:
- with and without
- Metabolic activation system:
- Rat liver S9-mix induced by a combination of phenobarbital and ß-naphthoflavone
- Test concentrations with justification for top dose:
- - Experiment 1:
TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 98, TA 100 and E.coli WP2uvrA (without and with S9): doses of 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 µg/plate
- Experiment 2:
Six concentrations of the test item (15, 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 µg/plate) were initially assayed in triplicate against each tester strain, however, results from the second mutation test (pre-incubation method) showed significant toxicity of the test item to several of the bacterial tester strains and consequently an insufficient number of non-toxic dose levels were initially attained for TA100, TA1535, TA98 and TA1537 dosed in absence of S9-mix. Therefore, these strains were repeated employing an amended test item dose range of:
Salmonella strains TA100, TA98 and TA1537 (without S9): 0.5, 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500, 1500 µg/plate.
Salmonella strain TA1535 (without S9): 0.15, 0.5, 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500 µg/plate. - Vehicle / solvent:
- - Solvent used: DMSO
- Justification for choice of solvent: the test substance was found to be soluble in DMSO up to 5000 µg/plate
- Untreated negative controls:
- yes
- Remarks:
- (untreated plates)
- Negative solvent / vehicle controls:
- yes
- Remarks:
- (50 or 100 µL/plate DMSO)
- Positive controls:
- yes
- Positive control substance:
- other: see section "Any other information on materials and methods incl. tables"
- Details on test system and experimental conditions:
- Experiment 1: plate incorporation method (0.1 mL of the appropriate concentration of test item, solvent vehicle or appropriate positive control was added to 2 mL of molten, trace amino-acid supplemented media containing 0.1 mL of one of the bacterial strain cultures and 0.5 mL of phosphate buffer. These were then mixed and overlayed onto a Vogel Bonner agar plate. In case of treatment with metabolic activation, 0.5 mL of S9 mix was added to the molten instead of phosphate buffer.)
- Experiment 2: pre-incubation method (0.1 mL of the appropriate bacterial strain culture, 0.5 mL of phosphate buffer and 0.1 mL of the test item formulation, solvent vehicle or 0.1 mL of appropriate positive control were incubated at 37 ± 3 °C for 20 minutes (with shaking) prior to addition of 2 mL of molten, trace amino-acid supplemented media and subsequent plating onto Vogel Bonner plates. In case of treatment with metabolic activation, 0.5 mL of S9 mix was added to the tube instead of phosphate buffer.)
- Exposure duration: 48 hours
- Doses of the test substance were tested in triplicate in each strain, in all experiments
- Method: on the basis of a decline in the number of spontaneous revertants, a thinning of the background lawn or a microcolony formation - Evaluation criteria:
- For the test substance to be considered mutagenic:
1. A dose-related increase in mutant frequency over the dose range tested (De Serres and Shelby, 1979).
2. A reproducible increase at one or more concentrations.
3. Biological relevance against in-house historical control ranges.
4. Statistical analysis of data as determined by UKEMS (Mahon et al., 1989).
5. Fold increase greater than two times the concurrent solvent control for any tester strain (especially if accompanied by an out of historical range response (Cariello and Piegorsch, 1996)).
A test item will be considered non-mutagenic (negative) in the test system if the above criteria are not met.
Results and discussion
Test results
- Key result
- Species / strain:
- other: TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 98, TA 100 and E.coli WP2uvrA
- Metabolic activation:
- with and without
- Genotoxicity:
- negative
- Cytotoxicity / choice of top concentrations:
- cytotoxicity
- Vehicle controls validity:
- valid
- Untreated negative controls validity:
- valid
- Positive controls validity:
- valid
- Additional information on results:
- Precipitation: No test item precipitation was observed on any plate up to and including the top dose of 5000 µg/plate
- There was no visible reduction in the growth of the bacterial background lawns at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of metabolic activation (S9-mix) in the first mutation test (plate incorporation method).
- Excessive toxicity was noted in the second mutation test, resulting in four bacterial strains (TA100, TA1535, TA98 and TA1537 in the absence of S9-mix) not achieving four non-toxic dose levels. These strains were, therefore, repeated at a later date employing amended dose ranges with the toxic limit of the test item utilised as the maximum dose. The test item induced a toxic response in the second mutation test following the utilisation of the pre-incubation modification, with weakened bacterial background lawns noted in the absence of S9-mix from 150 µg/plate (TA100 and TA1535), 500 µg/plate (TA98 and TA1537) and 1500 µg/plate (WP2uvrA). In the presence of S9 mix, weakened bacterial background lawns were noted to all of the tester strains at and above 1500 µg/plate.
- The negative and strain-specific positive control values were within the laboratory historical control data ranges indicating that the test conditions were adequate and that the metabolic activation system functioned properly. Positive control counts for Salmonella strain TA98 dosed in the presence of S9-mix in the second mutation test were slightly below the 2016 minimum level but were within the 2015 range. The response also achieved a 3.8 fold increase over the concurrent vehicle control and was, therefore, considered acceptable.
There were no toxicologically significant increases in the frequency of revertant colonies recorded for any of the bacterial strains, with any dose of the test item, either with or without metabolic activation (S9-mix) in Experiment 1 (plate incorporation method). Similarly, no significant increases in the frequency of revertant colonies were recorded for any of the bacterial strains, with any dose of the test item, either with or without metabolic activation (S9-mix) in Experiment 2 (pre incubation method). Statistically significant increases in TA100 revertant colony frequency were observed in the first mutation test at 15 µg/plate in the presence of S9-mix. This increase was considered to be of no biological relevance because there was no evidence of a dose-response relationship or reproducibility. Furthermore, the individual revertant colony counts at 15 µg/plate were within the in-house historical untreated/vehicle control range for the tester strain and the fold increase was only 1.3 times the concurrent vehicle control.
Applicant's summary and conclusion
- Conclusions:
- The substance is not mutagenic in the Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay performed according to OECD 471.
- Executive summary:
The mutagenic activity of the substance was evaluated in accordance with OECD 471 and according to GLP principles. The test was performed in two independent experiments, at first a direct plate assay was performed and secondly a pre-incubation assay, both in the absence and presence of S9-mix. The dose levels were selected based on the dose finder study, up tothe maximum recommended dose level of 5000 µg/plate. Adequate negative and positive controls were included. There were no toxicologically significant increases in the frequency of revertant colonies recorded for any of the bacterial strains(TA1535, TA1537, TA98, TA100 and E.coliWP2uvrA) with any dose of the test item, either with or without metabolic activation. Based on the results of this study it is concluded that the substance is not mutagenic in the Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay.
Information on Registered Substances comes from registration dossiers which have been assigned a registration number. The assignment of a registration number does however not guarantee that the information in the dossier is correct or that the dossier is compliant with Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (the REACH Regulation). This information has not been reviewed or verified by the Agency or any other authority. The content is subject to change without prior notice.
Reproduction or further distribution of this information may be subject to copyright protection. Use of the information without obtaining the permission from the owner(s) of the respective information might violate the rights of the owner.