Substance Information
Substance Information
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REACH Registration data can be found in the new ECHA CHEM database. The old ‘Registered substance factsheets’ will be available on this web site during the transition period but have not been updated since 19 May 2023. More
Substance Infocard
Strontium chlorate
EC / List no.: 232-239-3
CAS no.: 7791-10-8
Mol. Formula: Cl2O6Sr
Regulatory context
Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. This substance has been found in the following regulatory activities (directly, or inheriting the regulatory context of a parent substance):
- ECHA Legislations
- Occupational Exposure limits (OELs)
- Emission Limit Values (ELVs)
- Other chemical legislations
Substances indicated, in 2009, as being intended to be registered by at least one company in the EEA.
Substances listed in the EINECS, ELINCS, or NLP inventories.
Quality Criteria for Drinking WaterEU. Quality Criteria for Water for Human Consumption, Directive (EU) 2020/2184, OJ L 435, 23 December 2020
The Drinking Water Directive 2020/2184 concerns the quality of water intended for human consumption. Drinking water is wholesome and clean if it’s: (a) free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances which, in numbers or concentrations, constitute a potential danger to human health; (b) meets the minimum requirements set out in Parts A, B and D of Annex I. Indicators parameters set out in Part C of Annex I shall also be monitored, as they can help to identify water treatment.
Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex I - ADREU. Dangerous Goods List (ADR, Chap. 3.2, Table A), Directive 2008/68/EC, last amended by Directive 2020/1833/EU, 4 December 2020
This list contains the ADR Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive applies the European Agreements on the international transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex II - RIDEU. Dangerous Goods List (RID, Chap. 3.2, Table A), Directive 2008/68/EC, last amended by Directive 2020/1833/EU, 4 December 2020
This list contains the RID Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive applies the European Agreements on the international transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods Directive, Annex III - ADNEU. Dangerous Goods List (ADN, Chap. 3.2, Table A), Directive 2008/68/EC, last amended by Directive 2020/1833/EU, 4 December 2020
This list contains the ADN Dangerous Goods List, as implemented by the European Union's Directive 2008/68/EC. This Directive establishes rules for the safe transport of dangerous goods between EU countries by road (ADR) and inland waterways (ADN), and the regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (RID). Any specific CAS linked as members for substances where the list refers to finished material/article/compound/component are representative examples, but not exhaustive.
Annexes II, III, IV, VII - Defined & Temporary Maximum Residue LevelsEU. Pesticides. Maximum Residue Levels: Annexes II, III, IV, VII, Regulation 396/2005/EC, last amended by Regulation (EU) 2024/451, OJ L of 6 February 2024
This list contains the maximum residue level (MRLs) entries as listed in the following annexes of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC: (1) Annex II: Maximum Residue Levels; (2) Annex III: Temporary MRLs; (3) Annex IV: Active Substances for Which No MRLs Are Required; and (4) Annex VII: Active Substance/Product Combinations.
Substance names and other identifiers
This substance has been identified as member of the following groups of substances:
Name | EC / List no. | CAS no. | Association |
Chlorate | - | 14866-68-3 | Official source |
[No public or meaningful name is available] | - | - | Expert judgement (ECHA) |