Substance Information
Substance Information
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REACH Registration data can be found in the new ECHA CHEM database. The old ‘Registered substance factsheets’ will be available on this web site during the transition period but have not been updated since 19 May 2023. More
Substance Infocard
Inorganic straight potassic EC fertilisers of the ''Muriate of potash'' type
EC / List no.: -
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Mol. Formula:
Regulatory context
Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. This substance has been found in the following regulatory activities (directly, or inheriting the regulatory context of a parent substance):
- ECHA Legislations
- Occupational Exposure limits (OELs)
- Emission Limit Values (ELVs)
- Other chemical legislations
Fertilisers Regulation, Annex I, A - E.1, E2.4 and G, Annex IIEU. EC Fertiliser Type List: Annex I A - E.1, E.2.4 & G, Annex II, Regulation 2003/2003/EC, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2021/862, 31 May 2021
This list contains Annex I fertiliser types according to their specific characteristics, and Annex II associated tolerances. Regulation 2003/2003/EC consolidates all European Union rules that apply to fertilisers, and ensures that the technical requirements it outlines are implemented uniformly. The Regulation only applies to mineral fertilisers consisting of one or more plant nutrients. Regulation 2003/2003/EC has been repealed with effect from 16 July 2022 by Regulation 2019/1009/EU.