ECHA’s poison centre team is coordinating the work done internally at ECHA on all the IT tools, guidance and necessary support to assist stakeholders with their obligations. We work in close association with the European Commission to support both industry and Member States appointed bodies and their poison centres.
We have a number of targeted and dedicated working groups comprising of representatives from all our stakeholders that regularly meet to engage in the discussions and agree on the way forward. Our working groups include:
- IT tools user working group
- Guidance drafting working group
- Validation rules working group
- EuPCS working group
- Appointed bodies and poison centres consultation group
Please use the dedicated ECHA contact form for any feedback or questions you may have.
Legal background
According to Article 45 of the CLP Regulation, companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market are obliged to provide information about certain hazardous mixtures to the relevant national bodies. The national bodies make this information available to poison centres so that they can give advice to the citizens or medical personnel in the event of an emergency. Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation, adopted in March 2017, defines the harmonised requirements for poison centre notifications (PCN) applicable as of 1 January 2021.
This website has been set up by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to help companies, national bodies and poison centres with the new requirements by providing the tools, guidance and support.