#UFImattersEU – social media campaign

Verschachtelte Anwendungen

Social media toolkit intro 2

Here you can find basic information how to plan, organise, coordinate and run social media activities around the #UFImattersEU campaign.

The campaign will contain two promotional waves to:

1. raise awareness; and

2. spread the word through a social media challenge.

Target audience: parents of small children

Ufi campaign translations

The following supporters have already joined the campaign:

International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E), the European consumer voice in standardisation (ANEC), the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), CLP HelpDesk, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus

Help us reach more parents around Europe - join us to spread the word!

Download the material and visuals in your language [ZIP] [35MB]

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    • slovencina
    • slovenšcina
    • svenska

UFI campaign coals

Campaign and communication goals

The main goal of the campaign is to raise awareness among EU citizens, especially parents with small children, and teach them:

  • Why the UFI code exists and where to find it.
  • The importance of taking safety measures at home to avoid accidental poisonings.