#UFImattersEU – social media campaign
Here you can find basic information how to plan, organise, coordinate and run social media activities around the #UFImattersEU campaign.
The campaign will contain two promotional waves to:
1. raise awareness; and
2. spread the word through a social media challenge.
Target audience: parents of small children
The following supporters have already joined the campaign:
International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E), the European consumer voice in standardisation (ANEC), the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), CLP HelpDesk, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus
Help us reach more parents around Europe - join us to spread the word!
Download the material and visuals in your language [ZIP] [35MB]
Wave 1 - Awareness raising phase
ECHA and the campaign partners will start posting the awareness raising messages on 8 November.
Anyone joining the campaign can start sharing the posts with the given hashtag and tag their own contacts to spread the message.
Wave 2 - Challenge phase
ECHA and the campaign partners will start posting the challenge messages on 19 November, encouraging their contacts and followers to join the campaign.
Things to keep in mind when you join the campaign
- Start promoting the challenge from 19 November.
- You can be part of the challenge by sharing the posts we will be posting on our channels or by starting a challenge yourself in your social media channels.
- Copies for starting your own challenge can be found in section 6 (Posts and visuals for social media) of this toolkit. Visuals in all official EU languages will be available on ECHA’s website.
- Remember to use the hashtag #UFImattersEU and tag people or organisations that you want to join the challenge.
- If you prefer to create your own content, make sure to get the facts right. See the campaign story, our key messages and example posts and photos.
If you have questions or need help, contact: social-media@echa.europa.eu