

ECHA Submission portal updated to include system-to-system service

An updated version of the ECHA Submission portal has been released. It introduces a number of improvements for those companies submitting information to the EU poison centres. The most important updates are:

  • System-to-system service, which allows companies who have decided to prepare their notifications in their own IT-systems to automate their submission to the Member State bodies through the portal.
  • Upgrade of the PCN format to include, for example, new EU Hazard statements and flammable gas categories as well as updating the languages to reflect ISO 639 codes.
  • New features in the dossier preparation tool including the marking of some mandatory fields, new update reason ‘correction of error’, and a new contact type ‘Dossier contact’.

To be able to access the system-to-system service, companies first need to contact ECHA in order to establish the correct connectivities.

For the latest information about the current functionalities of the ECHA Submission portal and system-to-system service, see the respective web pages: ECHA Submission portal | System-to-system service.

Note that submissions made using the ECHA Submission portal must only be made to Member States who have indicated their readiness to accept submissions in the new format.