Prepare your submission
Prepare your submission
ECHA has established a harmonised Poison Centres Notification (PCN) format for submitting the required information to poison centres. The format is available online.
The ECHA Submission portal, available on ECHA’s Poison Centres website, is an online tool to prepare and submit information according to the harmonised format. ECHA has provided three different ways to prepare for the submission of information to poison centres.
- IUCLID Cloud for users who wish to prepare their notifications online.
- In IUCLID 6 using a specific PCN interface that assists users who wish to prepare their information offline. Notifications can be submitted using the upload and submit functionality in the ECHA Submission portal.
- System-to-system integration for advanced users who wish to directly edit in XML format e.g. where industry systems automatically generate the data. More information is available on the dedicated PCN format page.
Your dossier may be submitted through the ECHA Submission portal and made available to the relevant Member States’ appointed bodies. Some Member States may also offer the possibility for you to submit information to them directly through their own national submission systems.
All submissions will need to adhere to the harmonised PCN format no matter which submission route is used. ECHA has compiled information on Member States’ implementation of the submission process – you can learn which Member States will accept submissions only through ECHA, which Member States levy a fee and when you can start notifying according to the new rules – see the overview of Member State decisions.
The ECHA Submission portal supports multimarket submissions, meaning that multiple notifications can be efficiently made with one submission to all Member States where the product will be placed on the market. Note that all free text fields, namely the toxicological information, will still required you to manually enter information in all relevant languages.
More information on the ECHA Submission portal is available on the dedicated web page on ECHA’s Poison Centre website.