Mürgistusteabekeskuste teatevorm
- Version 4, last updated on 20/05/2022 (0.9 MB, zip).
This latest information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 3.0
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups.
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation (starting from 20.05.2022)
- Version 5, last updated on 17/07/2023 (0.8 MB, zip).
This information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 4.0
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation
- Version 6, last updated on 18/07/2024 (2.1 MB, zip).
This information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 5.0
- list of picklist values in XML format
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation
IT-rakendamise peamine tugi
Avaldatud on mürgistusteabekeskuste teate vormingu juhend ja IUCLID-vormingu juhend arendajatele, et aidata ettevõtetel luua enda IT-süsteemidesse IUCLID-väliseid lahendusi, millega koostada mürgistusteabekeskuste teateid.
Kontrollige, mis ECHA teatamisportaali ja IUCLIDi sisseehitatud automaatkontrollid on asjakohased (mürgistusteabekeskuste teate valideerimiseeskirjade loetelu).
IUCLID võimaldab kemikaaliteavet vahetada .i6z-laiendiga pakitud/arhiivifaili (IUCLID 6 zip) abil. Teavet saab eksportida ühest IUCLID 6 eksemplarist ja importida teise. See fail sisaldab teavet kõigi (omavahel) seotud IUCLID 6 üksuste kohta (dokumendid ja manused) hästi määratletud ja liigendatud vormingus.