- Podrška
- Odobrenje
- Kako podnijeti zahtjev za autorizaciju
- Razvoj strategije podnošenja zahtjeva
- Simplified applications for authorisation for legacy spare parts
Simplified applications for authorisation for legacy spare parts
Kako podnijeti zahtjev za autorizaciju
- Utječe li autorizacija na vas
- Razvoj strategije podnošenja zahtjeva
- Početak pripremanja vašeg zahtjeva
- Obavještavanje ECHA-e i zahtjev za informativnom sjednicom prije podnošenja
- Dovršavanje zahtjeva
- Podnošenje zahtjeva
- Aktivnosti u fazi donošenja mišljenja
- Izvršenje vlastitih obveza
- Podnesite izvješće o preispitivanju ako još trebate upotrebljavati tvar
- Pitajte ECHA-u o zahtjevima za autorizaciju
Simplified applications for authorisation for legacy spare parts
It is possible to submit a simplified application for authorisation or a review report for the following uses of substances on the Authorisation List (Annex XIV):
- to produce spare parts to repair articles or complex products that are no longer produced by the sunset date indicated in the Authorisation List and for which the substance was used in their production; and
- to repair articles or complex products that are no longer produced by the sunset date indicated in the Authorisation List and for which the substance was used in their production.
When you apply for these uses, use a simplified format for the analysis of alternatives and socio-economic analysis, which can be found in ‘Formats for applications for authorisation’. The format for the chemical safety report is the same as for other applications for authorisation and review reports. A substitution plan will not be required. The application fee will be 50% lower than normally.
Check the latest application date for your substance from the Authorisation List. For 38 substances or substance groups, the European Commission has extended the latest application date to 1 September 2021 and the sunset date to 1 March 2023.
Based on information from the automotive and aerospace industries, ECHA expects very few, if any, applications for authorisations for these uses.
If you intend to apply for authorisation for these uses, notify ECHA as soon as possible and request a teleconference-based information session.