Obrazec za prijavo centru za zastrupitve
- Version 4, last updated on 20/05/2022 (0.9 MB, zip).
This latest information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 3.0
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups.
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation (starting from 20.05.2022)
- Version 5, last updated on 17/07/2023 (0.8 MB, zip).
This information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 4.0
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation
- Version 6, last updated on 18/07/2024 (2.1 MB, zip).
This information package includes:
- XSD and Word files for the format elements
- a comparison with version 5.0
- list of picklist values in XML format
- list of picklist values in Excel format. This list contains valid phrases that can be used in the IUCLID format with the exception of 'non-selectable' ones which are used, for display purposes, in hierarchical phrase groups
- a change log to indicate the changes made to the documentation
Ključna podpora za izvajanje IT
Podjetjem sta na voljo Guide to the PCN Format (Vodnik po obliki PCN) in Developers' Guide to the IUCLID Format (Vodnik po obliki IUCLID za razvijalce), ki jim pomagata v lastne informacijske sisteme vgraditi mehanizme, ki niso IUCLID, za pripravo oblike PCN.
- Developers’ guide to the IULCID format (Vodnik po obliki IUCLID za razvijalce) [PDF]
- Guide to the PCN format (Vodnik po obliki PCN) [PDF]
Glejte seznam validacijskih pravil za PCN, ki so pomembna za prijave centrom za zastrupitve in so vgrajena v IUCLID in portal agencije ECHA za predložitve za izvedbo vrste samodejnih preverjanj.
V IUCLID izmenjava informacij o kemikalijah poteka z datoteko zip/arhivsko datoteko s pripono .i6z (IUCLID 6 zip). Informacije je mogoče izvoziti iz ene nameščene različice IUCLID 6 v drugo. Ta datoteka vsebuje informacije o vseh (medsebojno) povezanih entitetah IUCLID 6 (dokumentov in priponk) v dobro opredeljeni in strukturirani obliki.